Let me take you back to a time when I was just 24 years old, with two kids aged 7 and 2. Despite my young age and busy schedule, I was passionate about helping others set up their own businesses for free. Little did I know that my dedication and hard work would soon lead to an unexpected honour.
I was nominated and awarded for a “Service to Enterprise” award from Shell LiveWire, a prestigious recognition that I never applied for nor paid for. It was all because I selflessly dedicated hours upon hours of my time helping others, expecting nothing in return but the satisfaction of seeing them succeed. And I loved every minute of it!
I remember the day I was formally invited to the Claridges Hotel London Mayfair for the award ceremony. It was an intimidating experience, as I found myself seated at the head table up front with the Mayor of London and other important guests. I was nervous, to say the least, but deep down, I was thriving off that feeling of being out of my comfort zone. It was exciting, and I could not predict what would happen next.
After receiving the award, I had numerous interviews with the press, which led to an unexpected phone call from the producers of Dragon's Den, inviting me to apply for the show. Although I was shocked and flattered, I wasn't ready to go on TV with my idea at the time. However, the experience taught me a valuable lesson that I'll never forget: that my passion for business and helping others was my greatest asset.
You see, I never went to college or university to study business or entrepreneurship. Instead, I taught myself everything I know through trial and error, making mistakes, and self-study. What drove me was my ambition to help others become their best selves and to break through the barriers that held them back.
And that's my message to you today: you are capable of far more than you believe right now. No matter where you are in life or what challenges you face, know that your passion, perseverance, and purpose will take you far.

So, go out there and chase your dreams, break out of your comfort zone, and help others along the way. You never know where your journey might take you!